Be Your Own Experiment


When it comes to nutrition, everyone’s body reacts differently to certain foods. That’s why you can’t just assume a nutrition plan that worked for one person will work the same way for you. For those who want some good nutritional advice from some experts in the CrossFit world, check out this video by Brian Mackenzie and Doug Katona of CrossFit Endurance:

It’s been a while since I’m really sat down and thought seriously about my nutrition. Watching this vid helped remind me of some simple things I’ve been missing out on since getting off that Paleo challenge over a year ago.

Dark Green Veggies

I’ll admit that I tend to eat fruits more than veggies, especially dark green veggies. Switching to veggies for my carbs should help drop a bunch of that bad stuff I take in every day and should make me more efficient. Which in turn leads to a need for…

Healthy Fat

“You can’t lose fat unless you eat fat.” Wtf…I used to be all about having olive oil with my meals, so it makes sense why simply dropping carb intake hasn’t been doing much for me. I need that fat for my energy in my workouts and just for getting through my day. It really is the simple things that I forget about, just like…

Drinking Water

Hydration is so important. I used to have my glass of water on my desk that was constantly refilled throughout the day. That has to be another reason why my performance has gone down.

Enough With The Assumptions

As said in the video, you need to test your own stuff out. Be your own experiment. From my own experience with testing, it’s best to keep things simple. Just do an A/B split test with something, making only 1 change in the variable group. For example, you want to see if sugar in your coffee affects your performance/weight? Try one week or any specific time span with the sugar, then try the same amount of time without the sugar. Observe how you feel, look, and perform. After, tweak things to see improvements.

Keep testing for yourself if you really want to see what works and what does’t work for your body. Only YOU can find the answers to certain nutritional questions.


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