What’s The CrossFit Games Monitor?

Not A Baby Monitor…

…or some kind of ankle bracelet Lindsay Lohan would wear.

Lindsay Lohan Ankle Bracelet

No, we’re talking about this CrossFit Games Monitor at:

Yours truly was featured on this CrossFit news aggregator yesterday, mainly due to its awesomeness. I mean, KippingItReal.com is the best CrossFit blog EVARRRR, so you can’t expect anything less 😛

If you want to know what’s going on daily in the CrossFit world and need a break from my rambling, check out that CrossFit Games Monitor.


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Cool site you mentioned! I look forward to more bloggers like you to show up on there.

And that pic of Lindsay…LOL! She’s pretty strong to be holding that kb like that. Must be the coconut water.


Amy, it’s definitely the coconut water. ELECTROLYTESSSSSS!

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