Making Life Your Bitch

Starting The Day Right

I’ve read a few things here and there about having a morning ritual. Back when I used to preview the corporate world with internships, I was always in a rush. Sometimes I keep disabling every alarm I set on my phone, only to wake up too late. I’m scrambling to brew some coffee or prepare a quick breakfast. I have to shave. Shower. All that jazz. The clock shows that I have only a few minutes left before. I have. To leave.

Shit, that was frantic. And you know what? It was my fault for waking up late, putting certain tasks to the last minute, and for not giving myself enough time to get ready. I’ll admit that that happens to me quite often before heading to the box. Either I’ll try to finish one last task before heading out or I’ll get distracted by some random YouTube video, resulting in coming late to class. It’s always funny cause either the coach or some of my friends would give me a hard time.

“Whoaaaaaa! Look who showed up!”

“Acts like he’s hot shit, huh?”

“Way to show up on time, buddy!”

Honestly, it’s been a bad habit of mine to procrastinate a lot of things. That would simply make me life’s bitch. I’d be stressed the fuck out all the time. I’d be disappointed in the amount of work I’ve accomplished (if any at all). I’d be on a bad vibe. That’s why last night I decided to postpone my usual midnight post to get a good night’s sleep.

This morning, I woke up and started somewhat of a routine.

Me? Meditate? Good One.

Actually, I did include a 10 minute meditation period in my new morning routine. The routine of course will evolve over time, but I feel this new start is necessary. I was inspired by this bit of Tim Ferriss’ “A Day In The Life” video:

I started off with my usual cup of black coffee then went into my 10 minute meditation sesh. Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck you’re supposed to do when you meditate, so I just focused on a few things:

1) Getting certain work-related tasks finished
2) Organizing thoughts that came from a discussion with a friend at lunch yesterday
3) PR’ing my motherfuckin squat clean today

Haha yes…we have a 1 rep max squat clean in today’s WOD, and that’s basically my main goal for the day. My previous PR was 235#, yet I was able to nail a power clean of that on Monday.

Tim Ferriss Meditating

During my meditation, I took whatever negative thoughts were flowing through my mind then channeled them into my desire to PR. There were actually several small negativities lying here and there, and they actually do add up to a lot when you combine them. Well, rather than have that negativity affect my life for the worse, I’m going to use it to my advantage. Get work done and squat clean that barbell like I never have before.

Flip The Script

Complaining About Other Peoples Statuses On FacebookIt’s unfortunate that most of the statuses of your peers that you see on Facebook and Twitter are downers. They can be anything from complaints or anything with a suggestion of negative vibes. Not cool, right? That can also influence your attitude and how you carry on with your everyday life.

While meditation may not be for everyone and it might be hard for most people to have some sort of calm, routine to start off the day, find some time in your day just to sit back and think. Even 10 minutes should be enough. Let things simmer down. Let things settle. You never know…you might find solutions to problems that have been bugging you all day or fo quite some time.

Whatever you do, try to find those good vibes. Use those negative thoughts and feelings to fuel the good you plan to do in your day. This is just one of the many ways you can flip the script. Most people think life’s a bitch. It’s only what you make of it, right? So why not make life YOUR bitch?

Quit Whining Make Life Your Bitch


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