I Wish I CrossFitted When I Was 15

15-Year-Old Karissa Rempel Is Going To Regionals

Have you heard of Karissa Rempel’s story? Check it out on the Games site here.

How crazy is that? Huge props to her! And her dad Dave is going to the Canada West Regionals as well on their affiliate’s team.

Man, if I knew about CrossFit when I was 15, I’d be a beast at whatever sport I did. Then again, I stopped playing team sports going into high school. So…

Are These Kids Too Young?

Bart Simpson Box JumpsWhile I’m sure Karissa has all the right training and guidance to ensure her safety during these workouts, I’ve always wondered if you’re too young to train around that age. Yeah, there are kids programs out there which involve some of the basics of CrossFit, but I was shocked to find out that a 15-year-old was Rx’ing stuff and going to the Regionals.

At first I thought minors weren’t allowed to compete, but I found this old blog post for the 2011 Games that says minors can as long as they request the proper forms and have them signed and submitted by a legal parent or guardian.

I was just wondering about this whole age thing because I remember of kids in high school being told by their coaches not to do any weight training until a certain age. At that time in your life, your body’s still growing so you don’t want to mess any of that up, right? Once again, I’m not an expert. Just working off of the things I heard back then haha.


Huge props to Karissa and Dave Rempel for making it to the Regionals! I’d love to make it one day and I’m sure a lot of you readers would like to as well. You guys are an inspiration and make me want to get over my hate of running right NOW.

2013 CrossFit Games Opens…I’m coming for you 😛


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